Step Up was amazing!!! Went to watch with Louis instead of with my cousin. Haha. Didn't see him for almost 2 years...he changed his hair colour, trying to have a "bad boy" image...haha...with the bike chain hanging on his pants, long chain that he kept in his bag for no apparent reason...but there's something that he has which spoils the whole image. An Ultraman soft toy which he hangs on his pants. And there's a string attached to the Ultraman toy which vibrates. Haha. It was great hanging out with him. He cracks me up with his nonsense, calling me blur sotong, slow...haha...boring me with his collection of japanese toys...he wanted to buy this transform robot thing, but he didn't cause it has a sound...he didn't want a sound, he only wants to display fussy...and watching the step up was great...we laughed quite a lot...there are some who don't like the movie, but to me, this movie is only for those who have a passion in dancing...these people are the only ones who will be able to understand this movie...and i downloaded all the soundtracks!!! Love it!!! After watching the movie, i went home and download the songs...haha...and then i danced to was RAD!!! Oh, there's gonna be a dancework, and i want to join...will be asking Haja whether he wants to join with me...i need a group...
I'm leaving for Malacca today for a holiday with my whole family, which includes my aunts, uncles and cousins. And i'm still not packed yet...well, i did pack a bit, but there's still more to be pack...haha...gonna have loads of fun...
Oh, this morning, went to NYP with Yati and Fid to eat breakfast at their McDonalds. Yati ate Big Breakfast, I ate Pancakes with sausage while Fid ate Pancakes. It's been ages since i last ate breakfast at McDonald. After that went to NYP rooftop to take pictures for Yati. Fid and I had to do a breakdance so that Yati can take photos of us doing freeze and handstand. Haha. The pictures turns out great. Haha. After that went to Tanjong Pagar cause Yati and Fid needs to see their supervisor, Jason, about their pay. Then went to Red Dot Museum to check out the was amazing!!! Took more photos for Yati. This time, Fid and I had to jump out of the building and land on the carpark. Yati needs to take fast shutter speed photo. Fid and I, we jumped and bruised ourselves loads of times before Yati got the photos that she visualize. Trust me, I think after these, Fid and I should sign up for Stuntman, or in this case, Stuntwoman. Haha. There's bruises in places that nobody can see...haha...the side of my hips hurts after falling onto the carpark...haha...after that, took photos with the was great...
Oh, yesterday before lesson, went to the lib to watch a movie, Little Women. I've been dying to watch the classic version of it...i've read the books and i've always wanted to watch it...but i only get to watch for half hour. Will be going back to the lib one day and book the discussion room to watch Little Women. Haha. Yea!!
Before i forget, I'M GOING MALACCA!!! WOOHOO!!! Haha. I'm soo excited. I will be back to Singapore on Sunday. Yea!!!!
Fid and I, doing our THANG!!!

