Ok...so i'm back from RYLA...a lot has happened during the 5 days there...hahaha...so let me tell you guys what happen...
First day.
Went to meet up with my friends at Kranji Mrt as there's gonna be a bus there to send us to KOTA TINGGI. So we board the bus and i sat with Yati...next to us were these guys from HALOGENS. They're really nice people...hahah...talk to them for a while during the trip...
When we reached there, we were separated to different rooms and groups. In my room, luckily there's Celine and Tyas...but my roommates and i bond together...there's 7 of us in a room...then we were supposed to form a group...we were suppose to look for a partner of the opposite sex and from other countries, so i took Edward...and so in my group, there's Kiff, ZhiYong, Edward, Ping Jie, Kelly, Vicky, Ann Hui, Wen Ning and Celine. There's 10 of us and we called ourselves the Titans. Haha...from the moment we met, we bond really really well. We're like family. And so, Kiff is the Father, ZhiYong is the Stepfather, I'm the mother, Kelly is the barbarian daughter, Vicky is the baby of the family, Edward is the joker son, Ping Jie is the talented son, Ann Hui is the princess in the family, WenNing is one of the daughters, whereas Celine is another daughter...so the first day, we got to know one another and we bond...
2nd Day
We had morning exercise at around 7.30 am. Then had breakfast together. Haha...we had sessions. Loads of sessions...at least i had ppl to keep me sane...hahaha...
3rd Day
Again we had morning exercise...then had sessions...more and more sessions...but in the afternoon, we went beach trekking...i had loads of fun there...got to know, Mamat who's family owns the resort there, got to know Geedhesh...haha...walk with him most of the time...he's super nice...then Song, Edmund Twohill(as there's 3 edmunds i need to specify which edmund i'm talking bout...), Geedhesh and i help everyone to cross this rock to get to the other side. After that, the guys wanted to help me but i told them i rather do it myself...i don't want to rely on them as i want to prove that i can do it. And i did...haha...then when we reached the beach, i walked with Edmund Twohill. We talked bout how i wanted to climb again and how he likes History...haha...then went swimming with Yati, Veera and Geedhesh...hahaha...it was fantastic...then we left that beach around 7 pm...walked with Yati, Celine, Edmund Twohill, Song and Kiff. Edmund Twohill started singing this Condom song...hahaha...he's crazy...then reach there listen to more sessions...ate more dinner...hahaha....
4th Day
Again morning exercise. Hahaha...then more talks and sessions...haahahaha...but at around 4.30pm we had 3 hours break so that we can prepare for talentime. Haha...it was great...hahhaa....i love my group...hahaha...it was amazing....then we had disco night and pool party...i was thrown into the pool by many people...hahaha...it's been 3 times since i was thrown into the pool...hahaha...then do my work at around 2 plus...didn't sleep for one whole day...wanted to watch the sunrise. At first Veera, Adi and Edmund Twohill were keeping us all company but i think they were too tired...hahaha...so they left...hahah...Adi and Veera likes my jacket...hahaha...then talk with Mamat, Afiq, Omar and Yati from 3 plus till 6 plus...haha...in the end we didn't get to see the sunrise cause it was cloudy....but at least i did get to take some photos...hahaha...
5th Day
Ok. It's the last day. And we're in our room packing...then we went to the dining room first for some sharing sessions. Edward went out to the front to talk bout what he learnt for the past 5 days. Haha....edward is so funny la...then we went back to our rooms to get our bags out. Kiff and ZhiYong went with us to help us carry our bags...haha...Kiff help me carry my luggage cause i'm his wife. Haha. He is soo sweet...hahahaa...then went home with them...ooh...we were all crying and it was soo emotional...i really miss them and i really wanna see them again...i love them so much...they're really like family to me...and it hurts not being able to see them...
Oh...there's gonna be photos shown here..hope you all like it...hahaha..
Me and Yati in the front. The back, Omar(in brown), Geedhesh(in red), Mamat and Afiq.

Me, Yati and Matthew before we were thrown into the pool by Matthew.

The Titans Family

Me and my talented son, Ping Jie aka PJ

Me and Edmund Twohill

Me and Geedhesh

Yati, Adi and Me


The Titans Family

Me and my Hubby Kiff.