I'm BACK!!! Lol. Couldn't surf the net for the past 4 days due to the fact that Mum suddenly DECIDED to renovate the house. Well, more like renovate the living room and the master bedroom. So most of the stuff in the living room and the master bedroom have been pushed to my room, my bro's room and the kitchen.
It's labour day, so went out with mum to Northpoint since that's the day that dad and his friend came to start renovating the house. Bought a 2 tops from Giordano. Then went to have lunch at Swenson. Then, spent the whole day in front of my laptop. Since I couldn't go online, I get to watch my DBSK shows from my desktop. Haha.
It's presentation day. Wore the top that mum bought for me. The presentation went well. The external judge gave some good and bad comments. I know, our film isn't that perfect. And I know we all do have flaws. But, I'm proud of the work that me and my group mates have done. And I know for a fact that our lecturers really LOVE our film. Can't believe James Sin actually defended us!! Hahaha. He's really observant.
Watched DBSK new CF with SNSD. I swear, I ALMOST SCREAMED!!! Well, I did. Hahaha. WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PABO, PD?!?!?! WHY DID YOU PAIRED HIM UP WITH JESSICA SNSD?!?! WHY HER OF ALL PEOPLE?!?!?!? I seriously hated the PD that paired up pabo with Jess. I tried not to feel jealous, but HELL NO!!

How can I NOT feel JEALOUS?!?!?!
STOP LOOKING AT HIM, JESSICA!!!!Went to Iman's house to celebrate Hafifi's birthday. Initially, we planned to surprise him and sabo him later. But it seems he's being sooo stubborn and we tried to sabo him in the beginning. I swear, it was DIFFICULT trying to catch him. Iman's aunt managed to capture him and dump flour all over him. We ate and watched the screening of our short film. Yati and I left around 11pm. Thank god there's still train. Hahaha.
Hmmm...what did I do on Saturday? Let's see, once I woke up, I feel soo damn lazy to make my bed. Ate breakfast/lunch that mum bought. Slept from 1pm till 6pm. Hahahaha. I was DAMN TIRED!!! Yassin called in the middle of my nap, actually now, I've no idea why he called. Lol. But i can remember EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID!! Hahaha. I was still in my sleepy mode when he called and he ACTUALLY said I sounded SEXY with my sleepy voice. Lol. I know he's just kidding!! Hhahahaha. Woke up at 6pm. Watched videos on my laptop till late. Hahahhaaha. I swear, ever since presentation is over, I've been slacking!!!
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CESC FABREGAS!!! My Cesc is 21 now!!!
Helped mum with the ironing. Hahahha. Then went to meet with Yassin for movie and dinner at Jurong Point. Watched Iron Man. It was AWESOME!!! I've never realised how HOTT Robert Downey Jr is...hahahahhahaa...but there was a problem with the movie. Halfway through the movie, the sound got cut off. Hahaha. Everyone was like "Eh, what happened?!?!" Then went IMM for dinner. Ate at Banquet. I regretted buying this dish as the portion is too little. Lol. After I bought it, I looked around and kept wishing I had bought what other people had bought. Lol. Then walked around IMM before buying ice-cream on the way home.
And that's how I spent my days without internet. Hahahhaa. Pretty boring. Going back school tomorrow, even though school has officially ENDED for us. Meeting with Yati and Iman.