Yati, Iman, Yassin, Ida, Din, Atiqah, Hafifi....honestly, I LOVE YOU GUYS LA!!! Lol. JEONGMAL SARANGHAMNIDA!!!
9th Aug, Saturday.
Met up with Yassin first around 4pm at Bugis. He actually wanted to buy some NIKE stuff since he has $20 NIKE voucher. But in the end, he didn't buy. Then since we're supposed to meet the rest of the gang around 5pm, both of us walked, YES PPL WE ACTUALLY WALKED FROM BUGIS ALL THE WAY TO LAVENDER DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT'S ONLY ONE STATION AWAY!! The reason why was because we knew the rest of them will be late and so we didn't wanna reached there on time. Unfortunately, we're still early. Hahahha. And we're both freaking hungry. I didn't eat breakfast, that's why. Hahahha.
Finally they reached around 5plus. Went Beach Road to eat. Din treated us drinks. *Thanks Din!! Lol.* I ate Hokkien Mee. Hahahhaa. As usual, hanging out with them was sooo fun. Lol. Crazy bunch of people. After we ordered food, Yassin needs to go buy his stuff for awhile. And thanks to the rest of my DEAR friends, they made me followed him.
We left Beach Road around 6plus. We wanted to go to Marina Square but somehow we got separated. Yassin, Iman and Ida was separated from us. The place was REALLY packed!! I know how sardines felt now. Lol. Somehow, only me, Yati, Hafifi, Atiqah and Din got to watch the fireworks. It was WOW!!! Din was like "Sha, you're like a small kid, ah." HAHAHHAHAA...I was soo happy when during the fireworks. I was like clapping my hands!! And there's tons of red colour and all I could think of was DBSK, Cassiopeia!! Hehehhehee. But, it's kinda sad that the other 3 couldn't watched as they were somewhere else and could only hear the sound of the fireworks.
Then met up with them at Secret Recipe at Suntec. Turns out, all of them were planning a surprise birthday celebration for me!! Hehehehhe...honestly, I kinda suspected it since Yati won't show me what she brought in her BHG bag. Hahhaha. But I was still surprised, nevertheless. And thanks to Yassin and Iman for coming up with the idea of decorating the brownie cake with "Happy Birthday Miss Yap". Miss Yap?!?!?! Hahahahaha. I knew it had to be their idea since only them and Yati calls me that sometimes. Lol. And thanks once again to Yassin for smearing the cream on my hair!! I knew they were planning to smash my face with the cake but I kept my distance away from the cake. Hahahhaha. Unfortunately, my hair didn't survive. Lol. Well, just a few strands of hair that got the cream. Lol. Left the place around 10pm. Iman and Ida left early and they paid for everything!! Thanks Iman and Ida!! Hehhehehee.
Went home with Yassin, Yati and Din. Took the REALLY long way home since Yati didn't wanna go home yet. Lol. Reached home around 11:30pm. Thank god mum didn't make sooooooooo much noise since I've explained to her that my friends were giving me a surprise birthday celebration. Mum actually laughed when I showed her the pics. Lol.
I had a great time yesterday during National Day. We should do this again soon!! Hahahahha. I really miss them soo much, especially a certain someone. Lol. Well, I don't miss Iman since I've been seeing him the most nowadays. Hahahahaha.
I actually wanted to post something bout Dhool since I just reached home from Dhool quarterfinals. But this post is getting too long already so I decided to post bout Dhool next time. In the meantime, pls enjoy the pics. HAHAHAHHAHAHA.

Thanks ah for the "Miss Yap". Hahahha.
The brownie cake that made me laughed my head off!! Hahahahha. Miss Yap?!!!? Lol. Why?!?! Hahahaha. Waeyo...
And I'm missing him.