Monday, 15th Sept 2008.
Went out with Yassin to watch Babylon A.D at Lido. Initially, I wanted to watch Wall-E but SOMEONE said the movie was boring! Then, that same SOMEONE wanted to watch Mirrors, *despite the fact that he knows I don't like watching scary, horror movies.* but thankfully, it will aired on Sept 18th. Hahahahhahahaha.
Anyway, Babylon A.D was ok. I love the way the director starts the movie. Love the camera angles. But the movie was kinda short. We thought that since it started at 3pm, it would end around 5pm. But, it ended around 4:30pm. Hahahahhahaha.
Since there's still time before Yassin had to meet his friends to break fast, we walked around Heeren. Around 5plus, I left and he left to meet his friends.
I swear, these next few days, it's gonna be full for me! Hahahhaha. Later on, meeting my friend to buy stuff for people. Wed, meeting my cousin for movie and another cousin to break fast together. Thursday and Friday, I have dance. Saturday, I'm meeting the cousins to break fast together again. Hahahhahaha. But oh well, at least I have something to do instead of staying at home all the time. But unfortunately, money doesn't come in. Oh well...

Heard that this will be their album cover for their new album! Wooooo! Total hottness! Nice abs Yunho oppa! I can faint from this picture! Hahahha.
The leader who always looks out for his members, Uknow Yunho.
The oldest and the eomma in the group, Youngwoong JaeJoong.
The romantic namja who looks hott playing the piano, Micky Yoochun.
The cute and innocent dolphin who thinks he has charisma, Xiah Junsu.
My pabo. The magnae in the group who loves to eat and bullies his hyungs, Choikang Changmin. And he's the one whom I love the most. *mianhe oppa-deul!*