First of, Happy new year, y'all!!
So many things happened in the year 2008. If I were able to choose, I have to say, 2008 was the best year of all. I went through loads of fun-filled, emotional, frustrating, depressing, happening, happy and sad days.
2008 was the year of my final year project. The year where I'll know if I'll be able to graduate with a diploma. The months that were filled with stress, laughter, jokes, frustrations, perfection and happiness. And to get an A for our short film was the icing on the cake. People always says, you have to choose the right people to work with. Not only do I do that, but it's with friends whom I treasured the most. The 2 friends who knows how I work, the 2 friends who knows what to do to perk me up, the 2 friends who knows what to say to make me laugh and enjoy working on our short film. The 2 friends who, no matter what, will always be there for me through thick and thin. Yati, it's 9 years now that we've known each other!! And Iman, it's 2 years now!! Wooooooooo. Let's make it long-lasting, you both!!!

INNtheBox Production. My 2 BFFs. Thanks so much. Love you both.
2008 was the year of new feelings found. The months of depression were slowly diminishing away. I never thought I'll be able to smile freely again till I met you. You've made me happy, you've made me sad, you've made me laugh, you've made me mad. No matter what, you're always there for me. You're the ahpek who loves his mum, who always works hard at everything you do, who can be witty and sarcastic but yet shy and sweet, who has an amazing jawline, who can't dance, who eats a lot, who can make me laugh at any random thing, who makes the weirdest expressions but manages to look cute doing it, who kept worrying bout how he looks, who loves teasing me endlessly, who calls me everyday and everynight to talk bout nothing in particular for more than an hour, and who always look after me from a distance. 29th Feb 2008. The first date. ^_^

Don't you dare ask me to take this photo down. Hahha.2008 was the year of friendships. The bonds that I have with different types of people. TVXQSoul, ASS, NAFA peeps, 4 Dee Crew/Krew, Anderson Clan and ROCK.ED.
TVXQSoul: 1 year had passed and we're still in contact. Though all of us are from different countries and different time zones, we're still able to talk and just update one another with news. No matter what, I'm glad to have known you guys!! Love you Rosa, Kat, Keva, Chelsea, Bobi, Tonya, Karen, Minrina, Ana, Mindy, Passy, Tiffany, Charli, Ali, Choko, Sky, Jangmi, Suzie and the only guy in the group, Ronny. Thanks so much!!
ASS: I know initially, we gotten close due to our passion for bitching. LOL. And I initially thought that was that. But, after hanging out with you guys for quite some time, I began to realise that it's not bout bitching that make us closer. It's the fact that we're all willing to accept one another's flaws, the fact that, we seem to look after one another without knowing, the fact that, no matter what, we're always there for one another. Sure, the main interest that we all have are our love for korean culture. Be it korean dramas, or korean music or even korean food. But that doesn't mean that we all have the same taste in korean culture. For example, some of us love SNSD, whereas some of us aren't a big fan. However, for those who aren't a big fan of SNSD, like myself, instead of being negative on SNSD, we still watch shows that have them, we still watch videos of them, we still listen to their songs. And so vice versa, there are some of us who love DBSK, but there are some whose love for DBSK has died. Despite that, we're still able to compromise with one another. What I'm trying to say is, despite the differences that we had, we're still together. Sure, the age gap between the oldest and the youngest is 8 years, but somehow, we don't really seem to notice. And I know our love our korean bands will die down one day, but I hope that our friendship won't. I know it's kinda cheesy, but who cares. Haha. Here's to more years to come!! ^_^

Sharon, Kamsa Q, Nyida, Me, Zaty, Jannah, Siyuan, Amy, Jiaqi, WenZhuang, Mai, Jolin and Rool. Love you girls. TYVK. Oh by the way, PY's missing. Haha.
4 Dee Crew/Krew: Oh My god!! You guys!! I swear, hanging out with you guys can do serious damage to my brain. HAHAAHHAHA. The dancing, the jokes, the laughters. Hahaha. I swear, even though the crew was newly formed in June, we've grown so close. And I know, we're all different and that our main interest is Dance, but no matter what, I know we got each other's back! Love you crazy people.

The most SEMANGAT people I ever know.
NAFA peeps: Thanks so much for making my 3 years in NAFA a wonderful time. Thanks so much for going through hell with me. The argurments, the scandals, the friendships, thanks so much!! I never thought I could survive without you guys. To my already-dead-scandal, thanks so much for all those times. I won't forget it. I'm still hurt by you, and I know our friendship won't be as close as before, but I just wanna say thank you for always looking out for me. And to the others, thank you for helping me and teaching me on ways to improve myself and my work. Love you all.
Anderson Clan: 9 years guys. 9 f**king years! 5 years of total chaos in secondary school and the remaining years of keeping in contact despite our busy schedule. We've gone through soo much. The troubles that we had, the mischief that we created, the teachers that couldn't believed that they had to teach us, the soccer trainings that we had, the events that we came up with. Thanks so much. It'll always be in my heart.
ROCK.ED: Thanks for the laughters, the jokes, the craziness, the talks. Hahahhaha. Thanks for everything. Thanks for coming into my life and spicing it with all your random and weird ways. Our music is ROCK GILER!! Kita semua tak payah nak ade leader! We are a team! Ah...the times of shooting the film. Hahahaha. Love you all!!!

Din, Hafifi, Khai, Suming and Yassin. You guys rock!! Lol.
2008 was the year of frustrations among me and my family. The year where I had to convinced them that filming is what I loved. The year where I felt that they don't support me in my passion. But no matter what, I'll always loved them. They are always by my side, even though I don't always see it. And I know I don't always see eye to eye with my Mum, but I loved her.

Mum and Bro.

Dad and I.

The ones that I know will always be there for me, no matter what. I love you, my cousins. ^_^
And not forgetting, 2008 was the year of me loving DBSK even more, especially my pabo. ^_^ Hahahahahha. Thank you, boys!!!

Thank you for making my day, everyday. Thank you for being soo humble despite your success. Thank you for making a fool of yourselves and making us feel that you're real. Thank you for not putting on airs and just being you. Thank you for the entertainment. Thank you for giving us all wonderful music and dance. I love you, boys!!!!And to my CUTE OPPA, Sungmin, Happy Birthday!!! I love you loads!!

And that's the end of it. Oh goodness, I actually spent 4 hours updating this. POWER! hahahahahah.
Tags replied:
Minrina: Happy New Year!! Oh yea, I've watched it. Hahaha. You shouted?! I had to control the scream that's about to come out coz I watched it around 3plus in the morning. HAHAHAAHA.
Kaamin<3: I'm still eating chicken. Hahahaha. Thanks to you once again. Lol. I told you already, get the desk calendar, buy 2 of it, then give me one. ^_^ Hahahahahah.
Yati: I think so. I've been waiting for that day to come. Haha.
Soni: I know!! Soo innocent. They had no idea what the future holds for them. And now, they're huge success. Love them.
PY: Hahahah...I know!! Pabo's the only without any OTP. Haahahaha.
Drake: Happy New Year to you too, Gavin!!! ^_^
Amy: Thanks, girl!! I'm ok now. ^_^ I miss you guys.
WENZhuang: plastic!!! Hahaha. I want our recycle bin!! Lol.
Siyuan: I'm ok now. ^_^ Thanks magnae!!
Nydia: Travelling book? Hehehe. I learnt mine from "Making out in Korean". O_O. Hahaha.
Jannah: Ok. I won't. ^_^ I have you guys. Hahahhahha. Meet up soon.
Eshy: I've already sent the link. Sorry Evelyn for the long overdue pics!!!
Sharon: Merry Christmas, although it's over long time ago. Hahahahaha. How's Taec? Pls don't tell me you're having an affair with him?! What will I tell oppa and Jungmin?! Lol.
PY: What's so good? Let's see, I can eat like a pig without caring what ppl think, I can sleep like a pig without caring what ppl think. Hahahahahha. Kidding yo!! Hahahahaha. You're back in Singapore!!!!!!!! Hahahahhaa. I think Changmin's replies in UFOTown has rubbed of on me. Hahahahha.
Finally. Tags were replied. Hahahahahaha.
Happy New Year Everyone!!
Don't drink and drive!!