Tags replied:
Minrina: Yes! And he claims he's the genius among the members. NOW I know the truth. Hahahahhaha.
Linny: Yes pls meet up after you come back from Dubai!! I really miss you!!
PY: I know you miss me. Duh. LOL. We can always meet up in mid-April. Poor you, you must show your mum DBSK. Hehehehe. Confirm she'll like. Lol. PLS DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!! HAHAHAHHAHA...
WENzhuang: And I know your heart's with me too. Lol. I miss you loads.
Yati: He didn't call you? Hahahaha. I thought he would have called you too. Lol.
Saturday, 4th April 2009.
Supposed to meet up with the crew for dance practise at 10am the Underground but I came late around 10:30am. Had loads of LOL. Greg brought 2 thearter friends of his to help out with the dance. Not sure of the spelling of their names but they are Four-2 and K. Hahahaha. Yes, dancers have COOL nicknames. Hahahhah. We practised and camwhore. And I finally learnt how to do "freeze". After dislocating my right shoulder in 2005, I stopped doing all those bboy moves. Ani and Shiva kinda helped me recollect on how to do "freeze". And after stumbling couple of times, I did it. I literally screamed in happiness. Haahahhaha. I'm soo proud of myself!! Lol.
Ended the practise around 1pm. I had to meet with Achin, Yati and Sut at Eunos around 2:30pm so kinda had to stay around since I know I'll be early if I left City Hall at 1pm. So I asked Farid and Ani to keep me accompany. I kinda bribed them with drinks and ice cream. heheheh.
Left the place around 2:30pm since all 3 are late. And even if I purposely came late, they're later than me. HAHAHHAHA. But it's ok. I know the 2 lovebirds need their "alone time". So was kinda glad that Achin came first before those 2. HEHEEHHEEHHE. Met up with Mr Said to pay for the jamming studio that we used during FYP. Then had drinks with Abg Bob and Abg Jumaat while we reminisced bout those filming days. HAhahahahah. Those 2 "uncles" are such LOL. Iman was supposed to meet with us, but he had things to do at the last minute.
Left around 5pm, so Yati and Sut went to town for some shopping while I followed Achin to Beach Road since he wanna buy stuff for his Taiwan trip. I told my dad once that I wanna go backpacking around the world. He told me to go backpacking in Singapore. And now, I think I have to agree. But, I have to go backpacking with Achin. I swear, we walked from Beach Road all the way to Haji Lane. Then we walked again all the way to Suntec. Thank god I was wearing white. Hahahhaa. But still, I was already aching all over from practise, there's dirty, smelly clothes in my bag, including a DSLR camera, and we WALKED from Beach Road to Haji Lane to Suntec. I thought I was going to collaspe. I can lose weight if I continue going out with him. ^_^ So I asked him to carry my camera for me and my bag felt soooo light. Lol.
Met Yati and Sut at Far East Plaza around 8pm. Then met up with Achin's brother and Hamid at Heeren. Went home with Yati and Sut while Achin stayed behind with his bro and Hamid. Reached home around 9:30pm. Hahahhaa.

The dancers who loves camwhoring as much as I do. Hahaha.
Main focus is not of Four-2(red) or K(grey) but of Farid's ASS. Numbeeeeeeeeer 1!!! ^_^V
I did it! Pls be proud of me. Hahahha. Me(black), Shiva(middle) and Ani.Sunday, 5th April 2009.
Woke up today with bruises and I'm aching all over. There's bruises on my left shoulder, bruises on my 2 kneecaps and bruises on my left side of my head. Hahaha. But it was worth it.
Went to some malay wedding in Woodlands with family. The food was DELICIOUS!! Then went to my nanny's house since she cooked loads of food. Yea, we ate again right after. Hahahha. Can't blame me. My nanny's a REALLY GOOD cook. Changmin would LOVE her.