Happy birthday
The MAN who can be cheesy and romantic at the same time. The MAN who can be serious and playful at the same time. The MAN who can melt girls' hearts just by playing the piano. The MAN who can produced songs that's been a hit among many listeners. The MAN who has so much love for his family, his dog and his members that he'll do anything to make them happy and safe. The MAN who doesn't see his members as just members but as brothers. The MAN who has so much emotion that he's not afraid to cry in public and prove to the world that real man do cry. The MAN who is so dedicated to his career that he don't mind forgoing his diet just so he can practise day and night for us fans. The MAN who seem to have everything he wants and yet stay humble.
The MAN who hold onto the belief that DBSK will be together forever. The MAN who, despite being so ridiculously silly, despite having a bad past, despite everything, can make us love him for who he is.
Thanks so much Yoochun for all those wonderful memories. There can never be another person just like you. You are, truly, one of a kind and I love you for that!
Do continue to tease and laugh at Junsu, cause I know that's how you show your love for him.

Do continue to ask Changmin along whenever you feel like eating cause I know my pabo is a wonderful companion when it comes to food. Just don't make him drink!

Do continue to be fashionable with Jaejoong cause both of you are seriously soulmates.

Do continue to act cute and grab attention in front of Yunho cause I know he will always look after you and protect you.

And do continue being Park Yoochun cause you are one amazing human being.
Happy birthday Yoochun. Thanks for being you.