Welcome me back. Hahahhaa. Stupid blogger's seriously being a pain in the ass. Anyway, school's been fun. Thought I won't survive in Foundation Drawing class, but I managed to stay alive, barely. Hahahahaha. All my classes start at 9am EVERYDAY. -_-" Thank god I've no class on Mondays. Hahahahha.
Have applied for CCAs. I've joined NTU Modern Jazz where they're dancing to mostly hip hop. I've joined NTU Breakdancing Club. LOL. I've joined ADM Dance Club. I've joined ADM Student Club. I've joined Photo-Video Club. I will DEFINITELY lose weight. CONFIRM! Hahahhahahaha.
I'm currently in my hostel now. My roommate's really cute. She's studying in NIE, majoring in English Lit for secondary students. She's very religious. Saw her Quran and I told my mum that my roomie's religious. Mum was like "GOOD!! Go and learn from her." HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.
Took loads of photos during class today. Hahahha. My classmates are camwhores too. Awesome much!! Hahahahhaha. I didn't bring my camera to my hostel. Hahahahaha.
Some of them are missing though. LOL.
I have no idea what's wrong with my right hand. HAHAHAHHAA.
Done by the ever so awesome, Kim.
My work have been ruined by them. So............
I ruined Ben's drawing. LOL. Sorry Ben!!!
The product of 2mins of drawing. Note, mine isn't in the pic. THANK GOD! hahahahahha.
The after effects of using charcoal.
I've finally found my calling in drawing. It's Abstract Art. Hahahha. Most of the time, while we were doing 3, 5, 10 and 15 seconds of drawing, my drawing turns out to be abstract. Hahahhaha. I've been declared Director Sha, for my addiction to taking candid pics of everyone and always taking photos, and also Clubber, since I danced and I kept saying "Let's go clubbing" at random times. HAHAHHAH.
Went for dinner with Eugene just now. FINALLY, after 10 years of not seeing each other, I finally met up with my childhood best friend. I've known that boy since we were 4 years old. Ate at his hall canteen, then went to his room to watch some videos. Hahahahha. He sent me back to my hall, since our halls are next to one another.
Oh, there's a bazaar at NTU these past few days, so I bought bangles, 3 tops, and 2 pants. I think I spent more than 50 bucks. Hahahhahah. Having bbq with my classmates and a couple of others this coming Friday. Can't wait.
Ok, I have TONS of work YET to be done. LOL. I'm dead!! Hahahahhaha.