I know I haven't been blogging for god-knows-how-long. It's not that I'm busy or there's no wifi. It's because of procrastination. But it has to stop. This is the only place where I can actually vent/rant my feelings and knowing that this blog will actually "listen" and won't judge me.
Currently at work. Part-time. I took a break from school for a year. First half of the year, I was busy dancing with my crew. Although I would love to continue dancing during these second half of the year, I need money. The next school semester will be starting soon, and I'm having mixed feelings. I do want to go back and study but I'm torn between the two loves of my life. Dancing and Filming. I know I don't really mind repeating where I've stopped, while my classmates move up for their final year. I don't know. I want to do something that I loved but yet I want to complete my degree and be proud of what I have achieved. I'm confused.